DS Wall Art DS Wall Art


We specialize in acrylic paintings on canvas. The paintings are all done by hand, making each piece unique. Taking a photograph and bringing it to life on a large canvas is quite a dramatic effect. It makes a great conversation piece and gift!


Father and Son painting

We have a range of art work services available: Portraits, Music Inspired, Kids Decor, Doodles and Abstracts.

Please contact us for a quote as each piece is unique and sizes vary.

2008. DS Wall Art. All rights reserved.
Created by
Nuevo Designs

DS Wall Art - Personalized paintings, portrait paintings, abstract art, rock and roll paintings,
music inspired paintings, celebrity paintings, famous people paintings, pop art canvas,
pop art paintings, modern art, contemporary art, design canvas,
children's art decor, kids decor, doodles, doodle art work, sketches, name paintings
local artist, Canadian artist, Ontario artist, Halton artist, Oakville artist.
Canvas paintings for homes, offices, and restaurants
created in Oakville, Ontario.